On the occasion of its meeting on February 5, 2025, AMAPLAST Board of Directors accepted the application of the company GIURGOLA STAMPI srl (injection moulds) as Effective Member. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 169.
The 33rd edition of PLAST EURASIA opened today at the Tüyap Fair, Convention and Congress Center in Istanbul.
The 33rd edition of PLAST EURASIA, the most important exhibition for our sector in Turkey, will take place from December 4 to 7, 2024 at the Tüyap Fair, Convention and Congress Center Fairground in Istanbul.
The application request of MODELPLAST srl (moulds for blow moulding, thermoforming, rotational moulding, polyurethane foaming) as Effective Member has been approved. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 172.
The application request of MIXRON srl (mixers) as Effective Member has been approved. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 171.
The 11th Speciality Films & Flexible Packaging Global Summit – organized by ElitePlus++ - will be held in Mumbai on September 30-October 1, 2024.
MECS-AMAPLAST Study Centre released the new edition of the Sector Report, containing the most important figures referred to 2023 for the Italian plastics and rubber machinery, equipment and moulds industry.
Registrations officially open for the second edition of GREENPLAST that will be held from May 27 to 30, 2025 in Fiera Milano (Rho).
The general Assembly of AMAPLAST - which took place on June 6, 2024, at Villa Arconati in Bollate (Milan) - elected the new associative bodies.
Following the 6th CONFINDUSTRIA-Medef Economic Forum, the Presidents of CONFINDUSTRIA, Emanuele Orsini, and MEDEF, Patrick Martin, reaffirm their commitment to a stronger and more competitive Europe.
On the occasion of its meeting on May 30th 2024, AMAPLAST Board of Directors accepted the application of the company OMGM di Biraghi Ferruccio & C. sas (extrusion lines for monofilaments, tapes and strappings) as Effective Member. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 171.
After the B7 Summit held in Rome on 17th of May 2024, and in view of the G7 Summit in June, the Leaders of the Business Federations of the Group of 7 countries issued their Declaration.
The 9th “Injection, Blow Moulding & PET International Summit”, organized by ElitePlus++ is being held on June 26-27, 2024, in Mumbai.
The 30th edition of NPE, the main plastic and rubber exhibition in the United States, opened its doors yesterday in the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando and will last until May 10.
The 36th edition of CHINAPLAS - the most important trade exhibition not only in the Asian world but globally - opened yesterday.
The 36th edition of CHINAPLAS will take place from April 23 to 26, 2024 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center NECC, Hongqiao, Shanghai.
On the occasion of its meeting on April 3rd 2024, AMAPLAST Board of Directors accepted the application of the company HT-COOLING srl (chillers and heating units) as Effective Member. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 170.
The final figures for 2023 are official, and the picture that emerges from the MECS Study Centre is that of another record-breaking year: the plastics and rubber technology industry closed the year with turnover of 4.8 billion euros, its best performance to date.
On the occasion of its meeting on February 2nd, 2024 AMAPLAST Board of Directors accepted the application of the company VIPLAS srl (screws and plasticizing barrels) as Effective Member. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 170.
On January 25, 2024, the 1st Report on the untapped potential of Italian capital goods in the international landscape will be presented in Ho Chi Minh City.
On the occasion of its meeting on December 18th, 2023 AMAPLAST Board of Directors accepted the application of the company PLASMAC srl (extruders and extrusion lines) as Effective Member. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 170.
According to estimates by the Amaplast-MECS Statistical Study Center, in 2023 the Italian plastics and rubber machinery production could set a new all-time record for the sector of over 4.8 billion euros.
The 32nd edition of PLAST EURASIA opened today at the Tüyap Fair, Convention and Congress Center in Istanbul.
On the occasion of its meeting on November 20th, 2023 AMAPLAST Board of Directors accepted the applications of the companies GIBITRE INSTRUMENTS srl (laboratory testing equipment) and NOVA FRIGO ENGINEERING srl (chillers and heating units) as Effective Members. Consequently, for the time being, AMAPLAST Members are 169.
The 32nd edition of PLAST EURASIA, the most important exhibition for our sector in Turkey, will take place from November 22 to 25, 2023 at the Tüyap Fair, Convention and Congress Center Fairground in Istanbul.
The 24th edition of PLASTIMAGEN, local exhibition for our sector in Mexico opened its doors yesterday, November 7, in Mexico City.
On Tuesday October 10th and on Friday 13th at UNI premises the plenary annual meetings of Technical Committee CEN/TC 145 and of Technical Committee ISO/TC 270, chaired respectively by Marc Schmitt from VDMA and Mario Maggiani AMAPLAST General Manager, took place.