MacPlas (bimonthly technical magazine for the plastics and rubber industry) is published by PROMAPLAST srl with the support of AMAPLAST. Founded in 1976, it is nowadays leader in the plastics & rubber industry according to its circulation (7,000 copies) and distribution in Italy.
GREENPLAST, exhibition and conference organized by PROMAPLAST srl, commercial company of AMAPLAST. Next edition will take place on May 27-30, 2025 in Milan, within The Innovation Alliance.
PLAST, organized by PROMAPLAST srl every three years, is one of the most important exhibitions for the plastics and rubber industry worldwide. Last edition took place on September 5-8, 2023 in Milan.
AMAPLAST, ACIMAC e UCIMA have begun a cooperation since July 2020 to improve the efficiency and the development of the Associations’ services. The three Associations represent 1,150 companies with 59,525 employees and a turnover of 15.2 billion euros, covering 38% of the Italian capital goods industry and 1.5% of the entire Italian manufacturing sector (2022 figures).
EUROMAP, European plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers' Association, represents 9 countries: Austria, France, Germany, Italy (AMAPLAST), Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
FEDERMACCHINE, Italian Federation of capital goods manufacturers' Associations (including AMAPLAST) for industrial and handicrafts manufacturing processes.
CONFINDUSTRIA is the main Association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, with a membership of 217 local and trade Associations (including AMAPLAST).